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Opsætning af væv samt fjernelse af tapet i Virum

Opsætning af væv Spartling af vægge Fjernelse af tapet
We have a small entrè where the floor area measures 2.4m x 1.13m (so 2.7 m2 only).

The one side has a built in cupboard and the remaining 3 walls each have a door, so the total wall area is less than 7.4 m2.

The wallpaper is old and loose, so we need that removed. Hopefully on the same day you can put on the 'spartel' and I guess we would have to wait for the 2nd day to put on the wallpaper.

You would not need to paint it, we will do that. The job is available imediately.


2830 Virum


05 marts 2015


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Filt og væv opsætning


06 marts 2015, fleksibel dato


I alt 2 malerfirmaer var interesseret i "Opsætning af væv samt fjernelse af tapet i Virum". Kunden annullerede opgaven den 08 marts 2015 af følgende årsag: Har selv udført opgaven.

Besparelser for glasfiltopgaver