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Gratis og uforpligtende. Gør som 195.792 andre danskere
  • Nemt, hurtigt og gratis
  • Vores kunder har sparet 142,3 mio. kr
  • Tømrere i hele landet
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Renovering af badeværelse i Aarhus N

Renovering af badeværelse We wish to have a new toilet in our apartment in Aarhus. The size is 1.8*2.3 m. We wish to remove the bathtub and have a area for washing machine in the toilet. Of course, there should be new light, new wall, new floor, etc. We can buy materials by ourselves. If you have good offers of materials, we can certainly also buy from you. Please let me know an approximate price for you to do this work, and maybe you can also let us know a time point when you can start the work.
Bathroom Renovation in Aarhus


8200 Aarhus N


05 oktober 2015

Hvad skal der laves?



01 november 2015, fleksibel dato

Interesserede tømrerfirmaer

Der er foreløbigt ingen firmaer som har vist interesse i denne opgave.