Få 5 tilbud fra erhvervsfotografer - spar op til 40%

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Erhvervsfotograf i Køge

Der er 3 personer der skal fotgrafers i firmaet
Technical spec.
Digital format
No flash
Photos should be marked with surname and forname.
We want the pictures to be taken as eased as possible. Not stif. The person should be
feeling comfortable and relaxed in a pose wich comes natural. The angle should be halflength.
Not to close meaning. And not to tight.
The depth should be around aperture 2.8-4 and focal lens around 50 mm.
The model should look happy. As possible. We want to get pictures when the model is
looking into the camera. (see attached examples)
The location of the shoot should be at the office in a good light. Daylight if possible. Above
all - no flash. The background should not be messy.
Post production
We do the post production here in Sweden. The photographer therefor deliver RAW
format pictures to us.
If you have any questions about these don’t hesitate to contact Fotograf køge


4600 Køge


04 juli 2011



Hvor skal der fotograferes?


Hvem skal fotograferes?


Billeder skal bruges til



15 august 2011


Der er kommet 9 tilbud på opgaven "Erhvervsfotograf i Køge". 2.478 kr blev prisen i gennemsnit. Kunden annullerede opgaven den 08 august 2011 af følgende årsag: Opgaven skal alligevel ikke udføres.