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Flytning af 3-vær. lejlighed fra Kastrup til København Ø

Afstand til parkeringsplads (m): Gade Hi,
I have 12 moving boxes, 1 childrens wardrobe and a single bed (not assembled) that needs moving.
The apartment i'm moving from is on the second floor with parking on the street.

I would like the childrens bed & wardrobe delivering to an address in Sydhavn, then the remaining boxes ca.10 moving to an address in Østerbro.

For the drop in Sydhavn the bed, wardrobe and 2 boxes can be delivered to the front door outside (no need to take the items upto the 2nd floor).

The address in Østerbro is a storage area and is down one set of stairs and ca.40m walking distance from the parking area.


Kastruplundgade, 2770 Kastrup

2. etage



Center For Idræt Ryvangs Alle, 2100 København Ø



14,2 km      31 minutter


16 juni 2014


Ca. 63 m² 3 værelser Let møbleret




17-06-2014, fleksibel flyttedato

Flyttefirma hyret


Alliance Service Group ApS vandt opgaven "Flytning af 3-vær. lejlighed fra Kastrup til København Ø" tirsdag den. 17 juni 2014. De var oppe imod 3 andre flyttefirmaer. GO Service gav det først bud efter kun 39 minutter. Kunden fant det rigtige flyttefirma efter kun 27 timer 44 min. Gennemsnitsprisen var på 1.933 kr og besparelsen blev ca. 500 kr.


Fra Kunde54713 17-06-2014

Flytning af 3-vær. lejlighed fra Kastrup til København Ø
" Fantistic service from start to finish. Was able to move with very short notice at a reasonable price. The two removal men were efficient and competant and I was able to drop at two locations. Would certainly recommend.
Arbejdets kvalitet
Samlet bedømmelse
Sparet 500 kr.

Besparelser for hus- og lejlighedsflytninger