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International flytning fra Aarhus V til Auckland(New Zealand)

Afstand til parkeringsplads (m): 10 I would like a quote for shipping our household items from Århus to Auckland New Zealand.
We have about a one bedroom apartment size of belongings.
- 1 flat pack ikea double bed (2 x 90cm box mattress)
- 1 set flat pack cupboards (2m x 1.5m x 0.3m)
- 1 ikea flat pack drawers (80 x 80 x 50cm)
- app 8 moving boxes kitchenware and appliances, clothes, computer gear etc.
- 1 small 2 seater sofa (may not bring depending on cost)
- 2 bikes (boxed)
-  clothes and bedding
-  1 small stereo
-  2 bar stools (40x40cm)
- small folding garden table
- 46cm weber bbq

We would also like an estimate without any furniture included, if this makes a large difference to price.

Our moving date is 1st october, but we may prefer to have things shipped earlier (perhaps 2-4 weeks before we move) so we dont wait so long in nz for them to arrive.
Is it around 2 months for sea shipping?

matt + computerudstyr + musikanlæg Apartment move from Denmark to New Zealand


Ryhavevej, 8210 Aarhus V

3. etage, med elevator



To Be Determined, NZ-0600 Auckland , New Zealand




24 juli 2010


Ca. 90 m² 3 værelser Let møbleret




25-09-2010, fleksibel flyttedato

Hvad skal der flyttes?

2 højtalere Grill 1 cykel


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