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  • Vores kunder har sparet 142,2 mio. kr
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Transport fra København Ø til Firenze(Italien)

Afstand til parkeringsplads (m): 0 I expect to have approximately 25 boxes, plus a bike and a couple of small pieces of furniture to go to this address: via Niccolo' da Uzzano, 64, 50126 Firenze, Italy.
In addition, I am considering to deliver a few extra pieces of furniture (two small tables, two small libraries, a sofa, a bench, for a total of about 4m3, to be picked up at the same address and on the same date) to the address: via Goito, 21052 Busto Arsizio (Va), Italy (1st floor, no elevator). I would appreciate it if you could also estimate what would be the additional cost for this. Delivery date can be flexible and the "kombinationsflytning" option is preferred if possible. Moving from Copenhagen to Florence


Borgm Jensens Alle, 2100 København Ø

4. etage, med elevator



Via Niccolo Da Uzzano, 50126 Firenze , Italien

2. etage, med elevator


1.651,1 km      17 timer 15 min


10 oktober 2012


Ca. 70 m² 2 værelser Let møbleret





Hvad skal der flyttes?

1 cykel

Flyttefirma hyret


AtheneFlyt vandt opgaven "Transport fra København Ø til Firenze(Italien)" fredag den. 30 november 2012. De var oppe imod 7 andre flyttefirmaer. AtheneFlyt gav det først bud efter kun 3 timer 41 min. Gennemsnitsprisen var på 19.575 kr og besparelsen blev ca. 30.000 kr.