Få 5 tilbud på udlandsflytning - spar op til 60%

Gratis og uforpligtende. Gør som 195.755 andre danskere
  • Nemt, hurtigt og gratis
  • Vores kunder har sparet 142,3 mio. kr
  • Flyttemænd i hele landet
  • trustpilot

Transport fra København NV til Bologna(Italien)

Produkt: Boxes with books Antal: 10 Overall I have to move different things from three different addresses in Copenhagen. Basically the content of one office (boxes with books), the content of one room (boxes with clothes) and the content of a two rooms apartment (boxes with kitchenware, cloths etc, plus a few pieces of furniture) Overall I have to move different things from the


Tuborgvej, 2400 København NV

1. etage


Fratelli Rosselli, 40121 Bologna , Italien

3. etage, med elevator

1.549,9 km      16 timer 30 min


21 august 2015




19-09-2015, fleksibel flyttedato

Flyttefirma hyret


Mandag den. 24 august 2015 blev AtheneFlyt hyret til at udføre "Transport fra København NV til Bologna(Italien)". Det første tilbud kom allerede efter 6 minutter.


Fra Kunde71017 26-09-2015

Transport fra København NV til Bologna(Italien)
" I was very satisfied with this service. The moving company has been quick in making me an offer, understood the complexity of my needs, has always been in communication with me, was on time, and open to consider some adjustments upon my own request. Finally, the guys uploading and unloading were very kind and friendly, and the goods arrived in perfect conditions. I recommend this company with no reservations.
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