Få 5 tilbud på udlandsflytning - spar op til 60%

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  • Nemt, hurtigt og gratis
  • Vores kunder har sparet 142,3 mio. kr
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International flytning fra Aarhus V til Abbiategrasso(Italien)

The relocation is:
- FROM: Haslevangsvej 29 – Aarhus V
- TO: Via G. Bosco 6 – 20081 Abbiategrasso (MI) – Italy

I need to move the following:
- Approx. 20 boxes 80x40x40cm
- Approx. 20 boxes 50x40x30cm
- 1 Cargo bike (dimension 230x80x120cm)
- 2 normal bikes
- 3 mattress 200x80x20
- Various furniture all dismantled and packed in pieces (total approx. 6-8 m3)
- 1 refrigerator 60x60x100cm

I estimate that the total space is around 7m x 2,5m (and approx. 2m height). Total weight around 1500kg.

The movement shall take place between 24 and 26 July, and I need to receive the material NOT earlier than 3 days from the delivery (example: if loading is 25 July, I can receive the material from 28 July or after). Loading in Denmark can be any time (also in the afternoon).

I do NOT need worker or machinery to load-unload.
Loading in Denmark is from ground floor, the track can park in front on the house.
Downloading in Italy is at ground floor, in a garage. Downloading area can be reached with truck of small-medium size (not big lorry).
The service will be invoiced to company (CVR xxxxxxxx).


Haslevangsvej, 8210 Aarhus V



Via Bosco, 20081 Abbiategrasso , Italien


1.457,5 km      14 timer 44 min


14 juli 2018


121 - 130 m² 3 værelser Let møbleret




24-07-2018, fleksibel flyttedato

Hvad skal der flyttes?

1 fryser 3 seng 1 reol 2 cykel

Flyttefirma hyret


Totalflyt ApS vandt opgaven "International flytning fra Aarhus V til Abbiategrasso(Italien)" tirsdag den. 24 juli 2018. Det første tilbud kom allerede efter 1 time 56 min.


Fra Kunde115893 29-07-2018

International flytning fra Aarhus V til Abbiategrasso(Italien)
" The cooperation with Totalflyt was perfect. We move our stuff from Denmark to Italy, load and unload took place how we required and when we required, without any problem. The final price was very reasonable and indeed lower than other offers. I thank again Carsten for the service.
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