Få 5 tilbud på udlandsflytning - spar op til 60%

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Transport fra Farum til Redruth(England)

Vaskemaskine skal flyttes Afstand til parkeringsplads (m): 5 - 10 A general list of items follows,

5 x flat packed tables, various sizes.
4 x chairs flat packed
1 x computer chair
1 x bookcase medium
2 x bookcase small - flatpacked
2 x bookcase large - flatpacked
1 x wardrobe (2door) - flatpacked
2 x standard lamp
2 x dressing tables with drawers
2 x sarcophagus (dvd holders) approx 4' tall
2 x plastic drawer units approx 4' tall
1 x small cabinet
1 x small coffee table
1 x small black box seat
1 x ottoman
1 x sideboard
1 x washing machine (This is really heavy)
1 x bedside table
3 x single beds
1 x 150 x 220 mattress
1 x wooden bed - dismantled
1 x rowing machine
1 x cycle machine
3 x small rugs
1 x flat packed shelfing unit
1 x fan
1 x tent
1 x tv
3x Bikes

Plus Boxes. for kitchen items, toys, books and other sundries.

There may also be a stationary computer, with two monitors and keyboard and another tv.

We would also need some help with bringing the furniture and boxes down the stairs from our apartment as my partner is on crutches. + computerudstyr Moving from Denmark to England


Bybækterrasserne, 3520 Farum

1. etage



Higher North Country, tr16 4db Redruth , England



1.680,0 km      18 timer 1 min


28 oktober 2016


Ca. 106 m² 4 værelser Normalt møbleret




29-11-2016, fleksibel flyttedato

Hvad skal der flyttes?

1 vaskemaskine


Der er kommet 6 tilbud på opgaven "Transport fra Farum til Redruth(England)". JP / Trekantens Flytteteam gav det først bud efter kun 3 timer 15 min. 124.900 kr blev prisen i gennemsnit.