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Transport fra Esbjerg Ø til Ghent(Belgien)

Vaskemaskine skal flyttes Opvaskemaskine skal flyttes Tørretumbler skal flyttes Afstand til parkeringsplads (m): 10 Flyting i sidste uge af Februar .


Spangsbjerg Møllevejv, 6705 Esbjerg Ø

1. etage



Groot Britannienlaan, 9000 Ghent , Belgien

10. etage, med elevator


867,3 km      9 timer 4 min


07 januar 2013


Ca. 130 m² 3 værelser Normalt møbleret




28-02-2013, fleksibel flyttedato

Hvad skal der flyttes?

1 vaskemaskine 1 tørretumbler 1 opvaskemaskine 1 barnevogn 1 cykel

Flyttefirma hyret


Søndag den. 03 februar 2013 blev Aulum-Vildbjerg Flytteforretning hyret, i konkurrence med 6 andre flyttefirmaer, til at udføre "Transport fra Esbjerg Ø til Ghent(Belgien)". Gennemsnitsprisen var på 29.017 kr og kundens besparelse blev omkring 33.800 kr.


Fra Kunde35160 08-04-2013

Transport fra Esbjerg Ø til Ghent(Belgien)
" The quality of work and the overall estimation is low because , one part of the delivery was not at all good. My dish washer was broken and now we are in the process of insurance coverage.
Arbejdets kvalitet
Samlet bedømmelse
Sparet 33.800 kr.
Svar fra Aulum-Vildbjerg Flytteforretning:
" Thank you for a very unfair review, we accept that we have made a damage to your washing machine, this damage we cover, of course, but as I earlier we I asked for some information that you have not sent.
When we reached agreement on the relocation from Esbjerg to Belgium, informs you that there were approx. 27 cbm. moving the goods, which is not consistent with the actual value, which was approx. 40 cbm. we had allocated a 35 cbm. car to the task as such was not big enough, so we send another car without charge after approx. 8 cbm. your packing was so miserable and cheap plastic boxes which jumped as glass in frost, so we were forced to repackage 2 boxes, despite these conditions, there was no damage to either furniture second of your moving house. So therefore I can not understand that you can allow yourself to surrender to this review, you should have had an extra expense on the above amount that you had not informed, but we chose to take it on a UK car that had room without calculation.
