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Let flytning fra Bruxelles til Vesterbro

Afstand til parkeringsplads (m): 2 Hello, I would like to move from Brussels to Copenhagen. The volume of my move is relatively limited. It will most likely be about the following objects only: ca. 35 boxes with cloths, kitchen equipment and books, one bicylce, one microwaver, one vaccum cleaner and one ironing board. Timing: it is very important that the move would arrive on Saturday 1 June, after 12h (noon) in Vesterbro, Copenhagen. This is because I will only get the keys to my new apartment on 1 June at 12h, but will have to move in on that Saturday or Sunday (2 June). The picking up in Brussels, Belgium could happen any moment between Monday 27 May and Friday 31 May, as would fit best for you. In terms of packing, I am flexible - I could pack the boxes myself or you could pack them. Thank you in advance for your offer. Best regards, Adrian Let flytning fra Bruxelles til Vesterbro


Rue De Livourne, 1050 Bruxelles , Belgien

2. etage



Esbern Snares Gade, 1725 København V

1. etage


914,6 km      9 timer 58 min


14 april 2013


Ca. 50 m² 2 værelser




27-05-2013, fleksibel flyttedato

Hvad skal der flyttes?

1 cykel


I alt 5 flyttefirmaer var interesseret i "Let flytning fra Bruxelles til Vesterbro". Gennemsnitsprisen var på 11.075 kr.