Montering af loftlampe
Montering af belysning i badeværelse
I just moved into a new three room apartment in Aarhus and I need to put lampholders in the ceiling.
Overall I need to put 6 lampholders in the ceiling: 1 in the living room; 1 in the kitchen; 2 in the bedrooms; 1 in the entree and 1 in the bathroom.
I have bought the lampholders already and I just need an electrician to come and connect them to the ceiling.
Preferred date: Thursday, 18 February
8210 Aarhus V
11 februar 2016
18 februar 2016, fleksibel dato
Kunden annullerede opgaven den 22 februar 2016 af følgende årsag: Har ikke fået nok tilbud.
Der er foreløbigt ingen firmaer som har vist interesse i denne opgave.